Awakening in America® An Adventure in Awareness
A Must Read for the Spiritual Seeker!
“I received this book, Awakening in America®, the day I met Robert Taub at a local expo and tried a mini-healing session with him. The session blew me away, providing me with immediate relief from some pain and giving me a curiosity to learn more. And so my journey began. The following day, feeling somehow lighter and more at peace, I began to read his book. I couldn’t put it down and finished within two days!
Robert brilliantly captures your attention with the story about a family’s spiritual journey. It is down-to-earth and very easy to follow, yet powerful and informative. I felt as though I was learning along with the main character, Margaret. As a student of spirituality, healing and growth, I am now reading if for a second time. To my amazement, I’m learning even more! Questions arising for me seem to be answered, as if Robert intuited what would come up and answered them in a way I could grasp. Almost as if I was being answered personally!
This book is a true work of art: entertaining, informative and an essential tool for the spiritual seeker.”
“You will find that I mention Robert on numerous occasions in my upcoming book, Unwrapping Me. I wanted to share this with you to give you a peak into his life and ground-breaking work of helping to transform this world one person at a time. Lucky enough to have worked with him in person as well as over the phone many times, I have to say that he is definitely the real deal! If you are an avid student of personal healing and transformation and you are looking to move to the next level, Robert is your guy.”
– A.P. Morris – author
“Good morning Robert –
I finished your wonderful book yesterday in less than 24 hrs. Didn’t want to put it down-even in my crazy busy good schedule – I devoured it. Am raving and recommending to every one I know! I can’t say enough about how I thoroughly enjoyed your deepening of the family’s relationships to themselves, each other, and their life work. You simplified extremely difficult concepts that make me confident I can/will recommend to fledglings, so to speak, and to seasoned New Thought people alike, who just want a good read and to feel good. Awakening (in) America is a beacon of light – as you are. Thank you. I am taking a big part of that Light that you shared with me throughout my day.”
– LW – musician
“Dear Robert,
I’ve just completed reading every word of Awakening in America ® An Adventure in Awareness. What a wonderful work! Truly, I found the writing to be intriguing, easy-to-read, entertaining, and tear-jerking. Many tears came as I read your ideas, and most were tears of joy and agreement. Thanks so much for sharing an early copy with me.”
– Angela Beasley Freeman – author
“Robert was wonderful!! Hope the book comes in soon. I have lots of listeners in line for it. Tommy B. really enjoyed talking with Bob. We intend to have him back real soon. Please thank him for me…
Have an extraordinary Friday!!!!”
– BELL – Newsradio 970, Billings, Montana
“We thank you for all your effort and sacrifice. You are truly blessed – remember that and keep that thought close – never think that that you are any less than the brightest stars in the universe. You have offered a great light to many and the best is yet to come.
And speaking of books – I read yours right away and thought it was VERY good. It certainly wets the appetite of the reader to find out about so many different aspects of healing and spirituality. I think it is a wonderful vehicle to get people started on their spiritual quest… I am very happy for you, you have made your mark and taken your place in helping others to “wake up.
Bless you.”
– Laurie Werner, LMT and mother of two
“…I wish I had read it when I was much younger. It still amazes me how what you do in your daily life, truly effects those around you and can rub off in such positive ways. This book is relationship oriented with views and perspectives of how to open and grow in relationships.”
– Robin Litzsinger, Holistic Practitioner and mother of three
“I HAVE finished your book. It was terrific. Matter of fact I have already suggested it to some and lent it out to others.”
– KT
“I really enjoyed (your book!) There were many funny moments, and there were a lot of sections that I have gone back and re-read because they were so interesting!”
– ST
The Power and Potential of the Awakened Human workshop video
Phenomenal job with the video! I really enjoyed it! Very straight forward and not too much information, just enough to make me want to start my journey!
The editing was great, the pictures really help! I loved it! Really great job!
– Melissa R
I am so glad I viewed your comprehensive website! It was especially helpful to watch your video for an explanation of what AWAKENING IN AMERICA is! I am anxious to read the book and have some sessions with you. Thank you....
– Lana M
“Once again, I was reminded of how my stuff gets in the way. To learn how to clear it was huge. His book is my life – the relief and joy to know that someone gets it.”
“Has much to teach – Thank you”
“Wonderful – great smile – engaging”
“Amazingly gifted – Wonderful speaker”
“Great speaker, awesome voice.”
“Excellent information”
“Real nice pleasant, smooth presentation. Very accommodating.”
“The group healing was very helpful”
“Very interesting – high rating”
“Wonderful Speaker”
– Attendees, Lightworkers’ Midwest Conference
“I met Robert Taub several years ago when my better half and I were attending the Valley Forge Body, Mind and Spirit Expo. She wanted to try talking to an intuitive, healer, psychic or seer of some kind. We walked by many. Some promised many things: the future, instantaneous healings and the like. I walked past Robert. Twice. He radiated peace … not in a glazed “head in the clouds” kind of way. His demeanor was more like someone who seemed truly content. Peacefully fearless. We both attended his seminar and enjoyed it immensely (the group healing was amazing).”
– RW
“I had the pleasure to meet you at the local chapter of the International Association of Near-Death Experiencers in Madison, WI last year. Your talk was inspirational and enlightening and I enjoyed your book immensely. Thank you for the gifts you brought to us that night, and also to the world, with your book and your presence!”
– JN
“Several years ago, I reached a point in my life where I needed more emotionally and spiritually. I felt lonely, depressed and misunderstood. I had a very comfortable life with a wonderful job, yet I felt increasingly detached from others. I felt different, like I did not fit into this world. Something was missing, but what? I sought out acupuncture, cranial-sacral work and reiki, but I still felt a void. I still questioned who I was, why I was here and what my life purpose was. Not knowing what to expect, I made an appointment with Robert. As it neared, I grew afraid and almost canceled. But Robert was gentle, non-judgmental and understanding, and he understood me like no other practitioner ever had. His intuitive abilities opened up spiritual, emotional and energetic doors, and he started to help me clear out the “baggage” blocking me from who I truly am. I walked out of that first session knowing in my heart that everything would be okay. During sessions, Robert scans my energy and reports what he perceives. He never pushes me to explore an issue I might not feel ready for. We work through discussion and also by allowing Source energy to flow in and heal the issues we’re addressing. The most powerful and transformational changes have happened between sessions. Over time, I noticed an increased sense of well-being, inner peace and self-esteem, easier release from unhealthy relationships, more forgiveness for myself and others, and naturally better eating habits. I had a new clarity and direction, and I felt great! I must admit, my journey of self-exploration was often painful, frustrating and confusing as stuck tears and fears surfaced, but the end results have been worth it. With Robert, my inner light turned on brighter and more beautifully then I ever knew possible. I have worked with Robert for more than two years now, and no one could have possibly prepared me for the journey I have taken. I am proof that if you are willing to do the ‘work,’ a new life awaits you.”
– CF
"It wasn’t quite five years ago
I took a contract job
at First Chicago Bank
I met a man named Robert Taub.
We hadn’t worked beside the other
but for a couple days,
when this he asked me to reveal
a miracle in Jesus’ name.
I thought of healings miraculous,
I thought of walking the sea,
but then the thought of hungry thousands
came wittingly to me.
I looked toward him and shared my thoughts
concerning loaves and fish.
He looked my way and said, “That’s great
but what of Lazarus?”
If Jesus walked this earth with power
to raise men from the dead,
didn’t he proclaim this too we’d do,
and more than this he said?
I thought I knew much biblically,
considering myself quite “right”
until he challenged me to gain
a deeper kind of sight.
A day soon came, he took me in
and taught me of lost art.
The food I chose to feed myself
was where I’d have to start.
I wasn’t in a stable place,
my life in disarray.
I rode an emotional roller coaster,
and my family I pushed away.
I soaked his information in,
but more so drank his love.
He never judged my erratic ways,
his focus was pointed above.
My family pulled our stakes from there
to start a brand new day,
but never I’d forget his ways
and the love in what he’d say.
And as I watched the world unfold
up from my longing soul,
all fell in place the way he’d told
once I let go control.
I know a passion that can’t be tamed
for love, for joy, for peace.
I thank you Bob, my teacher, by brother,
may our friendship never cease.
With Love and Gratitude."
– F
Excerpt From Interview by Edie Weinstein
“A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of co-creating an experience with a man whose intuitive healing work is profound. He shared information with me that he would have no way of knowing since we had not met until that moment. The first was that he noticed a symbolic Wonder Woman cape that I generally wore since I fancy myself a Super Sh/ero at times. He told me about the ways in which my body was reacting to the stressors I had been facing and suggestions for remediating them. He used words that I would have to describe my present state. He spoke of relationship dynamics that had been present for ages that could use some change. In the midst of a crowd of people, while attending the Mind, Body, Spirit Expo in the Philadelphia area, it seemed that my focus was internal and I noticed an intense re-energizing occurring when the day before, I had felt weighed down with lethargy. I found that during the session as I was able to step away from pre-conceived notions about what I might experience, the sense of literally and figuratively waking up intensified. For days afterward, there was a sense of upliftment; not quite ‘walking on sunshine,’ but close."
Emails Following a Session
“Hi Robert,
After the session at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 25, much of the pain I had been feeling had gone away. I felt tired so I rested quite awhile. While resting I noticed that the pain causing my right leg to feel heavy shifted over to my left leg for awhile, then it disappeared from the left leg.” “I awoke this morning with quite a bit more energy than usual, and that has continued with me throughout the day, even though I rested again for a couple of hours this afternoon. I had a headache during the morning and early afternoon, which is now gone. It is now 7:00 p.m. on Friday, October 26, as I write this. There has been an astounding release of pain. I do not feel a heaviness in either leg, nor have I felt the sharp pain from the lower back when bending over. The pain on the right side of my lower back moved up about one inch for awhile, then went away. I am also no longer experiencing pain in my right shoulder. The boost in energy I felt was quite welcome! It is surprising how it changes one’s outlook on life; one sees things differently when one has energy. When one has very little energy and is depressed due to the pain one is experiencing, life takes on a different hue.”
“It is now the evening of Monday, October 29. I would define the last couple of days and nights and being a bit wobbly–I still wanted to get a lot of rest. I didn’t sleep well; I had some “wild and woolly” dreams and headaches on and off; I do not often have headaches. I have continued to have a lot of pain relief in my lower back when I bend over. It feels a bit like my lower back might break, but I am experiencing very little pain. At times there is a hint of the pain I was feeling, and, of course, I keep wondering if I am going to experience that pain again.” “Today has been a pretty energetic day for me—kind of like being back among the living. I had made an appointment on Wednesday with my chiropractor, and couldn’t get in until today. So, since my right shoulder area in the back continued to hurt, I decided to zero in on that and ask him to check it out. Also, you had suggested that I do just that in the reading on Thursday. He checked, found that I had a rib out of place and shoved it back in place. He mentioned that it was T-3 (as you said.) My right shoulder is now feeling a whole lot better! Well, that’s it for now. I must say, Robert, that your contribution to humanity is certainly a powerful one.”
“Thu, 15 Nov Just thought I would let you know that the pinched nerve I was so troubled with has not returned, and that is certainly a relief! I have been experiencing the new “normal” you worked with me to create at our October 25 telephone meeting. Thanks again for your wonderful effort on my behalf and feel free to quote me in your website.”
– Ellyn Sutton
“Working with you has cleared away a sheath of depression that’s covered me my whole life, even after 13 years of dedicated yoga practice. I feel new and improved — me without the inner obstacles!”
– Claudine G., Illinois
“Robert’s gifts are incredibly well-developed. The feeling I have when I am with him is that he is a wise and ancient soul with tremendous gifts to share to assist others on their path of healing, growth and mastery. I highly recommend a session with him.”
– Paula Battaglio
“You cleared the congestion from my throat and chest, and after I left, I was energized, and my sinuses continued to clear. I had been coughing for five weeks.”
– Michelle Lewis
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